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5 Ways to Clean Teeth

Just two minutes twice a day while you clean your teeth to prevent bacteria and germs that live in the mouth area. But unfortunately still feeling lazy approach someone to do it regularly.

While brushing one's teeth often do not predict whether he is brushing his teeth for two minutes, and it may only be guessing. It should be avoided and get used to clean the teeth with the proper rules.

1. Rubbing slowly
June Harewood a dentist once an assistant professor of dentistry at Columbia University Medical Center explains that everyone has the desire and willingness to rub the teeth by means of subtle and slow, but most often unconsciously perform quick movements and loud when applying toothbrush in his mouth.

According Harewood, "When brushing teeth with a smooth slowly and can reduce the risk of gingvitis (swollen gums), because the shape of the gums is very thin and the movement can make the gums become swollen, reddened until the wound".

2. Mistakes in choosing a toothbrush
Selection toothbrush or no attention to the origin of feathers at the base of your teeth may worsen. Maybe when the packaging toothbrush you choose looks smooth and soft, but when the user turns the toothbrush bristles derived from material which is quite hard and inflexible cause damage to the enamel (the outer layer of the tooth) and gums.

Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth surface is very strong, but if the cleaning brush teeth using the wrong materials so that there can not be cleaned enamel optimally and actually leaves bacteria that can damage teeth circumstances.

So to avoid this you need to consider the materials and parts of the toothbrush carefully.

3. Incorrect brushing technique
Mistakes not only from the selection of a toothbrush, but the way or the wrong technique in brushing the teeth can be bad. Harewood explained that brushing the right way to put your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle of the mouth and rub with turns and vice versa, the top and bottom.

4. Avoid the content of tooth whitening
Choosing toothpaste and mouthwash right to reduce factors or symptoms of damage to the teeth. Forget your obsession to get white teeth by choosing a toothpaste with high fluoride content. Choose a toothpaste that contains dental plaque removal, by choosing a toothpaste that can lift the bacteria and plaque on the teeth so that you can get your teeth clean, healthy, and strong.

5. Brushing teeth with the right timing
Clean teeth not only while in the morning and evening or brush your teeth directly after eating. A new body of research shows that brushing after every meal can actually exacerbate the state of the teeth, especially if a person ate food containing acid. Give a distance of approximately 30 minutes to brush your teeth after every meal.
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