Sofia - This is the story of an astrologer whose name was raised again because once issued predictions about a major battle. Which is now associated with the threat of ISIS.
Her name is Baba Vanga, died in 1996, at the age of 85 years. Blind women was dubbed 'Nostradamus from the Balkans'.
As with Nostradamus, Baba Vanga is an astrologer who is respected in Russia and parts of Europe. Reputedly, her forecast is accurate.
Hundreds of prophecies or predictions she made during 50 years of her career as an astrologer. For example, about a natural disaster. In the 1950s, Baba Vanga warned about the threat of melting polar ice and rising sea surface temperatures, a few decades before people hear the word 'global warming' .
As with other forecasts, Baba Vanga never mentioned exactly about the events that will happen. He only expressed omen.
As quoted from, Tuesday (12/08/2015), her followers believe her description of 'the giant waves' at the beach is great - crashing and human city, where everything is submerged under water - is forecast which proved to be about the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 that eliminates hundreds of thousands of lives.
While predictions about the 'war on Muslims', considered to be her followers, as predictions about the increasing threat of ISIS and his minions.
According to Vanga, Europe's future is not as familiar continents.
She said, the end of next year, the Blue Continent will be 'no more', following the elimination of the population, making Europe almost empty.
The forecast is so dramatic. So far there has been no sign of prophecy Vanga would be proven. Some people relate it to the threat of ISIS - which launched six simultaneous attacks in the city of Paris on November 13, 2015.
4 Forecasts Proved
Baba Vanga Dimitrova was born as Vangelia Pandeva in Strumica.
According to reports circulating, she lived as an ordinary girl until age 12, when she mysteriously lost her sight in the middle of a severe storm or tordano strange - as described by a number of people.
Folklore there mentions, Vanga teenage lifted into the air and her body slammed into the ground by strong winds.
What happened next is obscure. However, her family reportedly found her in severe conditions a few days later. Her eyes no longer be opened, covered in a thick layer of dust and dirt. Unable to pay for a specialist, Vanga was forced to live without being able to see.
Vanga had a vision when missing. She is believed to have the power to heal people and predict the future. Women were also able to convince others about psychic abilities and began to gain followers.
Baba Vanga then also asked to help the rich and powerful. Of heads of state, scientists, until historians - who come from all over the world.
Vanga even became advisor of the Communist Party of Bulgaria - a number of people thought to utilize her, exploit its advantages to the benefit of themselves.
Baba Vanga was reportedly preceded by a secret agenda. And her home - where she met with a number of prominent figures, politicians and businessmen, from abroad - allegedly tapped.
Regardless, some believed her forecast proved. At least by her followers.
1950: Global warming and the 2004 Tsunami
"The Earth is usually cold be warm ... the mountains will rise. Big waves will hit the big beach, slammed people and cities, everything will disappear under the water."
And, "Everything will melt like ice.
1989: Terror September 11, 2001
"Horror, horror! Brethren United State owned will fall after being attacked by iron bird."
"The wolves will be howling in a bush (bush - allegedly referring to US President George Bush) and the blood of innocent people will flow."
1980: the sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk in 2000
"I saw the crews face a horrible death when rescuers internasipnal try to lift the ship from inside the oceans."
Until the crash the giant nuclear-powered submarine, the Kursk in the Barents Sea occurred on August 12, 2000, which killed 118 people, the followers of Vanga thought 'Kursk' pronounced seer refers to the city 'Kursk' in Russia.
It was said Vanga at the time, "At the turn of the century, in August 1999 or 2000 Kursk would be submerged by water, and the whole world will mourn it."
Barack Obama
Vanga was reported predict that the 44th President of the United States are African Americans. However, she also mentioned, that the leader will be the 'Last US President'.
For the second, time is the one who will answer whether it would prove her forecast or otherwise.
Here Baba Vanga predictions about the future of mankind - true or not - this is at least what she had to say:
2016: Europe will be different from what we know so far. Destruction of forcing the population away, leaving the Blue Continent until 'almost empty'.
2023: Earth Orbit will change (no one knows what it means)
2025: Population in Europe almost zero
2028: Man will be flown to Venus, with the hope of finding new energy sources
2033: Level sea level will rise and polar ice will melt (this is already happening)
2043: Europe will be a Caliphate, Roman used as capital
2066: America will use new weapons to climate change to seize Rome
2076: Communism will return to Europe and worldwide
2084: Nature will reborn (what it means?)
2100: The sun by man-made will illuminate the dark side of Earth
2130: With the help of aliens, human civilization will live under water. (alien?)
2170: Drought struck the earth, globally
2187: Two major eruption of the volcano was stopped
2201: The temperature will decrease drastically during the process of thermonuclear or nuclear fusion slowing
2262: The planets will change its orbit slowly. And Mars is threatened by comets
2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in more severe droughts
2480: Two artificial sun will collide, making the Earth's pitch black
3005: The war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet
3010: Comet will hit the Moon. As a result, the Earth will be surrounded by a ring formed of rock and that dust natural satellites
3797: At the time that everything on Earth will die. However, human civilization has advanced and sophisticated enough to move to a new star system. Life on other planets
You may believe, may not. Moreover, many predictions wrong.
For example, she predicts World War III will occur in November 2010 and ended in October 2014. False.
Also prophecy that in 2014 most people will suffer from skin cancer and other skin diseases as a result of chemical weapons. There is no valid evidence.
Back to your-belief ownself.