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The Reason Why New Year Celebrate on January 1

New Year's Eve, Sydney (Wikipedia)
Ancient Babylonian society becomes novice. In the past 4,000 years, they celebrate the New Year in late March - the day when the light of the sun by the dark of night. At the vernal equinox, or the point of the Spring sun.

Akitu ritual held during the first 11 days of the new year. As well as to celebrate the god Marduk's victory over the demon ruler of the seas, Tiamat - a true political bemuatan: during the coronation of the new leader or time to renew the mandate of the ruling symbolic.

During that time, every civilization on Earth has developed a calendar and the calendar of each version, in which the turn of the year adjusted for prey institutions - provision dates associated with the period of cultivation. Also astronomical phenomena.

Egypt, for example. The beginning of the year related to the annual flooding of the Nile, which coincide with the appearance of the star Sirius - the brightest in the night sky. Even with the Lunar adapted to the movement of celestial bodies: the Moon and the Sun.

While the early Roman calendar consisted of 10 months, 304 days. Where the beginning of the year occurred when the vernal equinox. March 1 became the first day. The calendar was invented by Romulus, the founder of the city of Rome in the eighth century BC.

The next emperor Numa Pompilius, then add the Moon Januarius and Februarius. Beginning of the year shifted on Jan. 1, since the year 153 BC.

Romawi Calendar (Wikipedia)
For centuries, the calendar is not in accordance with the movement of the Sun.

Resident when it is stuck in the 'era of confusion'. Garanya, Julius Caesar insert 90 days to the traditional Roman calendar, to be closer to the accuracy of the change of seasons.

This insertion so reckless that the months in the calendar is no longer appropriate. Misses badly.

God Janus, the origin of January
Finally, in 46 BC, Julius Caesar at a time astronomers call a leading mathematician, Sosigenes - which then proposes Julius Calendar or the Julian Calendar.

The calendar uses Syamsiah calendar (Sun) with a fixed number of days each month, and inserted one day every 4 years for the adjustment of the length of the tropical year.

As part of these reforms, Caesar increasingly confirmed January 1 as the first day of the year - in honor of the god Janus, whose name inspired the name of the month.

Janus is one of the first gods worshiped. He is believed to have dominion over the road, gate, and a Roman door. Also regulate agriculture, especially in the growing season.

God Janus (Wikipedia)
The god had two faces. In front and behind. One face to the future, the other staring into the past.

The ancient Romans celebrated the new year with an offering to Janus, exchange gifts, decorate the house with bay leaves, and attended a festive and rowdy.

Considered pagan, January 1 abolished
In the Middle Ages, New Year celebrations are strictly forbidden. Considered pagan and 'un-Christian'. In 567 AD, the Council of Tours erase January 1 of the calendar.

At that time the new year was celebrated on December 25 - the day of birth of Jesus Christ, March 1 - Feast of the Annunciation, and 25 March or Easter.

And in 1582, Gregorian calendar or the Gregorian calendar was made. Which is based on the solar year.

The goal is to correct inaccuracies Julius Calendar, once again set January 1 as the beginning of the year. The calendar is still used worldwide today.

And throughout history, many important events that occurred on that day: the battle, victory, defeat, happy day, coronation of kings, the discovery, the independence of a nation, hope, birth, death, news of sorrow, the tragic events, tears, and even considered threat to the world.

In 2007, Adam Air Flight 574 disappears. 102 people who live in it was never found. Until now.

While, in 2014, Asteroid 2014 AA existence became known shortly before hitting the Earth - which again reminded how vulnerable the human planet to attack celestial bodies. Fortunately he was not to be fatal.

Agree do not agree, prohibited or allowed, many people in the world consider a new momentum as a beginning. New spirit, new hope.
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