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Indonesian Doctors Find Android Applications to Prepare Pregnancy

An interesting study to find biological age can now be done by yourself through your android phone applications. Is Dr.dr.Budi Wiweko, SpOG (K) which creates Indonesian Calculator of oocytes (IKO) or IKO's Egg Calculator.

"This application serves as a guide for patients and physicians in order to determine when it is appropriate for the patient to become pregnant with reference to normogram Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), which is a parameter to determine the age of a person's biological," said Budi, through a press release on Tuesday (22 / 12/2015).

AMH is a glycoprotein compounds produced by the granulosa cells that surround the egg follicles. AMH can be used to determine the number of ovarian reserve and predict biological age early. So that doctors can know when the time is right for a patient to become pregnant using assisted reproductive technology (TRB).

Through AMH levels, when the time is right pregnant by knowing predictable biological age faster than using triggers hormone follicle (follicle stimulating hormone / FSH) and the number of antral follicles (antral follicle count / AFC). Normogram results in this study can be used as a reference guide for the physician when consulting with patients with infertility disorders.

"With the apps Calculator Egg IKO, Indonesian women be able to plan, prepare and maintain good pregnancy, which means building the nation," he said.

Research to create simple applications is conducted by Budi Wiweko, SpOG (K) in 2007-2008, in an effort to seek out a single parameter to predict the fertility of women to 1,616 patients.

After knowing the function of AMH, Budi develop normogram AMH AMH levels list of Indonesian women by age group. This list is used as a benchmark for to determine the biological age. AMH levels of normogram known a woman to become pregnant should at least 1.4 nanograms per milliliter (mg / mL)

In 2013, Budi develop nomogram AMH into android based applications with the name "Indonesian Calculator of oocytes" (IKO). This application is expected to help the patient to plan pregnancy well and helps the doctor plan the best intervention for patients who are facing infertility problems.

IKO Research Team consists of:

The main Inventor:
Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG (K)

dr.Dyah Mustikaning Pitha Prawesti, SpOG
dr.Andon Hestiantoro, SpOG (K)
dr.Kanadi Sumapraja, SpOG (K)
Dr.dr.Muharam Natadisastra, SpOG (K)
Prof.dr.Ali Baziad, SpOG (K)

App development is supported by:
Innovate FKUI
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