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Seoul, Juggling The Seedy River Became A Tourist Area

Cheong Gye river has now become a tourist attraction in South Korea

Government Seoul Metropolitan City, South Korea, succeeded in juggle the former location of the overpass into the river which is quite beautiful. Cheong Gye Cheon or river Cheong Gye has now become a tourist draw for tourists who visit the capital city of the country's ginseng.

Hundreds of tourists after another down to the pedestrian path, which is located on the left and right side of the river. They are busy to take pictures to capture the lights ornamental pretty mounted above the flow of the river.

The river that crosses the center of Seoul has been around since the days of Josen Dynasty. The river was expected to have passed through the capital city of Hanyang (Seoul) since 600 years ago. However, due to the condition of a small river and looks shabby and dirty cause the Seoul metropolitan city government decided to build an overpass over the river in 1960.

Overpass was built to accommodate the increasing number of private cars traposrtasi modes used by the people of the city. Unfortunately, it actually causes the surrounding environment, which became the center of commerce is becoming less kodusif. In fact, increased air and noise pollution.

The emergence of a very disturbing condition that led to the government's plan the restoration of the river, known as Cheong Gye Cheon Restoration. The idea was originally not go smoothly because of protests and rallies traders as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

But after meeting and approach the parties rejected the move, finally in July 2003, Cheong Gye Cheon restoration project commencement.

Overpass along 5.84 kilometers it slowly began to be torn down. By utilizing advanced technology, the demolition of the overpass and noise and dust pollution disturbing the public and traders living in the vicinity.

The idea of doing a river restoration project Cheong Gye Cheon initiated by the current Mayor of Seoul, Lee Myung Bak. Even since the beginning of the campaign candidacy for mayor of Seoul, former CEO of Hyundai has been campaigning for the restoration project of the little stream.

After he became mayor, he was elected as  President of South Korea 10th in the period 2008-2013.

"Lee Myung Bak was mayor of Seoul visionary. The restoration project Cheong Gye Cheon made to develop small stream that the main attraction of Seoul. The road overpass was dismantled because the condition is not good," said Choi Sung Jin, one of the officers of project managers Cheong Gye Cheon in Seoul.

In addition to disassemble flyovers, slums around the river also disciplined. In fact, traders who had long been peddling his wares in the riverside area also relocated to a building sports stadiums unused.

"They are disciplined, moved to the stadium so that traders can still trade," he said.

Construction of river restoration project that takes as long as 2.3 years. Includes the development, improvement of streams and arranging the left and right areas of the river flow with built pedestrian.

Restoration was successfully improve urban planning and quality of life. Being environmentally friendly urban planning.

"After the construction of the restoration project Cheong Gye Chon is done, Seoul metropolitan city government inaugurated the restoration of the river on October 1, 2005," he said.

The water flow of the river Cheong Gye it looks pretty clean. For a flowing river, metropolitan city government to provide as much as 152,000 tons of water that flowed into the creek. While the water level mounted about 40 centimeters.

"In providing clean water that flowed into the river still carried filtration so that the water looks clean and not dirty," said Sung Jin.

Not only about the water only, to maintain the ecological flow of the river is also used in advanced technology and the ecosystem of the river so that the fish can be sustainably.

"The environment in the river was still considered to preserve the creatures that live or grow in streams and watersheds," he said.

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Meanwhile, to beautify the river area at night, it also install lighting equipment in the river. By doing so, residents were still able to enjoy the atmosphere of the river at night. In fact, many entertainment activities carried out around the river, such as the entertainment stage singing and various other entertainment.

"The existence of the arrangement of the river, the river has now become more beautiful and much visited by tourists who are traveling to Seoul," he said.

Although initially a lot of rejection in the construction of the restoration project, but now many are amazed with the results of the arrangement.

While the impact of the demolition of the overpass, the government is trying to attempt to move the vehicle users of private cars to switch to public transportation. To that end, the government also provides a variety of integrated mass transit services, such as the subway, MRT, train and bus.

"Indeed, since the beginning of the government hopes to river restoration policies that could reduce the use of private cars in order to switch to using public transportation. Because when there flyover was very crowded with private vehicles and there is congestion," he said.

Now with the success of the restoration of the creek, the town center more environmentally friendly. In fact, once the air temperature around 35 degrees Celsius, down to 32 degrees Celsius.

"Given the positive results that lead to citizens increasingly pleased with the river. It used to be that initially there are only three kinds of fish, has now increased to 14 species of fish that live in the river," he said.
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